Dela nyhet
Rules of conduct regarding COVID-19
7 sep 2020 0 kommentarer
Hi everyone!
We would like to remind new and old players that we follow The Public Health Agency's guidelines strictly and if you have any symptom - stay at home!
Always, and especially if you're taking the tram or bus to practice, remember to wash your hands or use the hand sanitizer that's in the barrel before touching any equipment. Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow when you cough or sneeze.
When you get blisters from the glue, tape your fingers so I doesn't start to bleed.
If you have any questions, please contact the board!
(Earlier released information from the board, 2020-08-11)
Generally about the trainings and the impact of COVID-19
- First of all: If you are sick - STAY AT HOME! Even if you have mild symptoms.
- If you feel or get sick during a training, please let the coach know and go home.
- Do not change clothes in Valhalla, not in the dressing rooms and not on the handball
- court. Also, do not shower in Valhalla.
- Do not share water bottles.
- Wash your hands regularly.
Symptoms of COVID-19
Shortness of breath
Runny nose
Sore throat
Aching muscles or joints
Lastly, think after once or twice before you join a training. Remember, it’s okay to be sick and miss some training sessions. It’s also okay to be insecure and afraid of infecting someone at home or at work. If that’s the case, stay at home! Hopefully these times will go by soon.
Stay healthy, eat well and get started for a new season!
Regards, The board of Chalmers HK 2020/2021
Links with further information about the coronavirus:
In swedish:
In english: