Föreningsmöte VT
Fre 8 maj 2020, 18:00-19:00
Samling: 18:00Hey everybody! Here is the summon for the "föreningsmöte" when we amongst other things will choose the new board for next year and inform you about what is going on in the club.
Unfortunately under these circumstances we will not be able to have a normal meeting as is tradition, but we will make the best of this situation and have a really awesome meeting online in zoom. More info will come closer to the meeting but the date is still 8 may and the time is 18.00.
Slutgiltig kallelse föreningsmöte VT 20.pdfUnfortunately under these circumstances we will not be able to have a normal meeting as is tradition, but we will make the best of this situation and have a really awesome meeting online in zoom. More info will come closer to the meeting but the date is still 8 may and the time is 18.00.
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